The horse has been with man throughout history and has served a variety of practical purposes,
most notably horses have been used as a means of transport, as a work horse in agriculture and in battle combat.
Today, the power, agility, gracefulness and speed of the horse means that horses are mostly used for personal pleasure and utilised in competitions.

Horses have variations of colors, long pretty hair and sometimes have pretty eyes.
They train very easy. Horse riding is a hobby enjoyed by all ages and although many start horse riding when young,
more people are taking up horse riding for the first time later in life. This section is intended to help both those thinking of starting
horse riding as well as the more experienced horse rider.
Horse riding can be a dangerous hobby because of the unpredictable nature of horses and this section deals
with some of the safety aspects relating to horse riding. Horses sometimes buck people off even though it's
their own horse, because thats their nature.

"Sometimes even a cowboy's gotta swollow his pride to hold onto to somebody he loves."