Game Reviews for the Week

Video Game Blog

  1. Call of Duty: MW3
  2. I am here to tell you about games and its stories.First we will start off with Call of Duty: MW3. It is about the United States vs. Russia. The game has good warlike battles and the story mode seems long at times(for me). A lot of people find the multiplayer really fun. They have a lot of good multiplayer modes like Search and Destroy, Team Death Match etc.

    - I will give Call of Duty: MW3 a 9.5/10. Visit this

  3. Twisted Metal
  4. Second, I will talk about Twisted Metal. Twisted Metal first came out in November 5, 1995 through Febuary 14, 2011. Twisted Metal is a car combat or demolition game. Cars drive around blowing each other up for a wish granted by Calypso. Calypso is the creater of the contest. The game has great graphics. The worst part is the storyline is short with 3 characters with 7 levels for each character. The online has great multiplayer modes like Team Death Match, Death Match etc.It is only for PS3(sorry Xbox fanboys).

    - Twisted Metal gets a 9.5/10. Visit this website

  5. Killzone 3
  6. Third, I will talk about Killzone 3. Killzone is another war game. Its about the ISA vs. the Helghast. It feels more warlike than Call of Duty because in Call of Duty has skirmish battles while in Killzone 3 the battles gets bigger and bigger. the graphics of killzone 3 are great. The enviorment is nicely detailed. There are some glithchy moments and bleak areas. The areas are beautiful to look at.

    -I will give this game a 9.0/10. Visit this

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"They say the mind bends and twists to deal with the horrors of life... I think mine bent so much it snapped in two."-Mr. Grimm (Twisted Metal:Black)