
This page is the opening page to my "about me" page. Just a little bit about me, I was born on October 10. I am a sophomore at Newcastle High School. I hope to become a monster truck driver some day. I have enjoyed web design. It has been fun, but challenging at times. I have been happy with what I have created this year and hope to use it in my life in whatever I choose to do in my life. The four pages linked are pages we have created this year. They are in chronological order from earliest to most recent so you can see the progress we have made.

The first page linked was our first complete web page of they school year. It's very simple compared to some of the more recent ones we've created but is still one of my favorites. The second one is a multi-paged webpage that is about the career I want to do. The 3rd page is a frameset bio page. The 4th page is a div page highlighting Automobili Lamborghini's 50th anniversary.