Origin Of Birds

Parrots are part of the Psittaciformes order of birds.
They are found in mostly tropical areas, around the equator.
The most distinguishing factors of parrots include their strong
beaks, their long tail plumage, their full and colorful flight
feathers and their talons they use to perch on branches. Birds
eat primarily seeds, fruit and other plant like things. They can
learn to talk in captivity, and therefore are very popular pets.

Two Parrots

While parrots are capable of replicating human speech, they do not have vocal cords.
Birds can also learn the meaning of words, and can conjure simple sentences to convey
feelings. Birds can also become very good at using tools and learning to solve problems.
Wild birds have been know to imitate other types of birds, but not other species. No one
is really sure as to why parrots imitate us, but it is believed to be for simple entertainment.